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We all are Tools Of The Universe...

Monday, April 12, 2010

It's hard to fill a cup that's already full

In one of the many very thought-provoking scenes of the movie AVATAR, Jake Sully is presented to the native Omatikay tribe's spiritual leader, the Tsahik. He tells her he came to learn. She says: "It's hard to fill a cup that's already full."
Is your cup also full? Or do you have room for new ideas, new perspectives? Or are you clinging to your old approaches, trying hard to ignore all the hints and signals pointing you in a new direction?

I've seen it so many times - both in the lives of others as well as in my own: We try to make our observations fit our believes, rather than use them to help us grow and develop our belief-system. All too often we need a big crisis to make us spill some of the content of our cup. And some really rotten stuff we might never be able to remove; it takes a new generation, some rebelious youngsters to get rid of it.

What answers are in your cup to the question "What is your life all about?" Are you happy with what you find in your cup? Does it help you find fulfillment and peace? Do your life experiences and observations really support your believes? Or does your belief-system leave questions unanswered?
Are you ready to empty your cup and fill it with something more helpful? Then, maybe, you are ready to consciously accept your function in this world.
In the words of the Tsahik: "Learn well, and we'll see if your insanity can be cured." In this context: "Open your mind, and we'll see if your unhappiness can be cured."

This website provides ideas for different view-points on many topics. For serious searchers, the book "You Are The Change" contains an easy to follow, logical, non-esoteric explanation of the spiritual foundation underlying these articles.

I hope these texts and the book would help you turn you life around - from being like an autumn leaf tossed around in the wind, to becoming a joyful traveler on the river of your destiny.

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