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Monday, June 2, 2008

What happens TO me vs THROUGH me

The western philosophy is grounded on individualism – I am the center of the Universe. The eastern philosophy is emphasizing the unimportance of the individual - I am irrelevant. Hm. Maybe, there is a way in the middle, where the individual is important to accomplish the greater goal. Here's the idea:

I think my soul incarnated in this body to accomplish something particular in this world. We are here on a mission. I am responsible to fulfill my tasks. Only I, with the sum of my talents, experiences, background, skills, knowledge – all of what makes up me – the individual “me” is in charge to cause certain things to happen.
It is important what I as individual am doing, how I am contributing. But I, as individual, am not important at all. What matters is the whole, the creation.

One of my slogans is:

It doesn't matter so much what happens TO me, it matters much more what happens THROUGH me!

Since I believe this concept, it is much easier for me to understand and accept when bad things are happening to good people. It is also much easier for me to live through my own crisis situations. I do not lament anymore “Why is this happening to me!” Instead, I ask, “What is supposed to happen, what change is supposed to be prepared, initiated or effected, that this is happening to me? What makes me the best person for this to happen to?”
You see, what I am asking is still “Why is this happening to me?”, however, the topic of requested answer is something completely different...

For example: The neighbor's kid threw a stone, which broke my car's windshield.
The original question is focused on me being the poor thing, who has to deal with all the negative consequences of this situation.
My new set of questions puts the focus on something completely different. Now, I am thinking about what makes me the best person to be in this situation, rather than any other neighbor. How come, the Universe chose my car to be around to have the windshield broken?
Maybe, because I can respond differently, less out of anger, but more out of love? Maybe, because I can see that the kid is indirectly asking for help, and I could provide some ideas, thoughts for her to find a better way of living? Maybe, my response to the situation will still be a lesson for the kid, without creating to much suffering for her? Maybe, because without this happening, she might do bigger damage somehow else, but by experiencing this situation she has a chance to learn, and grow?

I find, I can not change the situation. The windshield is broken. No matter what I do. What I can change, what is within my control, is how I react to it. My new set of questions helps me in my attempt to make any situation a learning experience, an opportunity to grow, something that could effect change. In that, even a bad situation has a chance of causing something good.

Amazing, isn't it. It is within MY control, to make a situation be something positive!

It happens, when I do not make myself be to important, but place the importance on the creation. When I say, I am strong enough to be able to deal with this – that's why the Universe chose me – let me make sure the creation becomes a better place because of it!

However, to put the emphasis on the creation, does not mean that my individual contribution is not important. Not at all! If you think about all the positive developments in your life, all the situations, when you were in need of something – how did these situations improve? Usually, through the contribution of other people. It is the acts of individuals, that saved you from your misery, that helped you make the next step, pointed you in the right direction.

I am convinced that whenever you find yourself in a situation, the Universe has chosen you to be in it, because you are the best person around to be there! You are the one, who is most likely able to accomplish the task that needs to be accomplished at that moment. You are the one that needs to learn that lesson, in order to accomplish something later-on. You are the one chosen to go through this, to be able to reach a point, where you will be able to make the contributions you will need to make. The Universe believes in you! If it didn't, if it had any doubts that you might not be the best person, that somebody else might be better, that other person would be in that situation, and not you!

The Universe believes in you! Even when you don't believe in yourself. Even, when you think you are not strong enough, not smart enough, not talented enough! The Universe thinks you are the best person for that task!

However, it is your choice. Do you choose to fulfill your responsibility, or do you chicken out?



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