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Friday, March 12, 2010

George Carlin Says: "Religion is Bullshit!"

I stumbled across a YouTube clip of George Carlin talking about religion. He's pointing out in a fun and a bit rude way a few of the many logical contradictions and inconsistencies in how Judeo-Christian religions describe the concepts of God, praying and more. I included the clip below. He's quite entertaining and makes a lot of sense.

I have to leave him behind, though, when, after realizing the explanations are flawed, he stops at the conclusion that there is no God.

500 years ago clergy told us that the earth is flat. Well, just because their description was wrong, it doesn't mean that there is no earth.

I don't know what dope the people were smoking when they came up with the idea that the stork brings the babies. However, I do know, that although that "explanation" is also total nonsense, both babies and storks do exist.

Now, if George finds his purpose, fulfillment and relieve in the believe that there is nothing beyond what we can see and understand, that is his right. I, for one, choose to go further. I, too, do not believe in that illogical, contradictory "explanation" of God as preached by Christian, Jewish, Hindu, and Muslim doctrines. However, I like to believe that there is something beyond of what we can see and know. This website is full of suggestions about what this could be and how we could fit into it.

The book "You Are The Change", in its attempt to help the reader understand her/his role in this world, also touches upon this topic.

I hope that you are able to make the first step with George Carlin. And I hope that you are also able to go beyond where he stops, and make the second step: finding your own spirituality in alignment with a grander scheme of the Universe.

Here's the video-clip:

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