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We all are Tools Of The Universe...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Because I Care...

Today, a dear friend forwarded an email joke. “Because I care” reads the subject. ”When I asked myself who might need an angel today I thought of you!!!” it says. Then, after a picture, the text continues: “They didn't want her, so they sent her to me... I don't want her, so I'm sending her to you! The rules are simple: You can send her anywhere, but you can't send her back!” The picture shows a quite overweight 50-something woman with big white feathery wings on her back, dressed only in black hiking boots, black and white striped stockings up to her knees, and a blue skimpy bikini bottom.
The initial reaction, of course, is a chuckle, induced by the ironic contrast, the stab at some of those typical religious angel-emails, that we all find so often in our in-boxes.
However, something about the picture touched me, and got me thinking.
I can imagine what this woman was trying to accomplish, standing on the street (almost un-)dressed like this. And I can just imagine what kind of abuse she must have encountered in her life, and still encounter! I can also imagine what kind of daemons a person must be struggling with, who would respond to that woman's offer.
This picture points at so much suffering and pain. It reminds us of how much a struggle life still can be for people in this world; people, not just in a poor countries far away, but also right here, close to our homes.

As mentioned in other texts, I believe that a soul comes to this world with a mission. It wants to contribute to making this world a better place. To do so, it chooses carefully the body it incarnates into. Hoping that the family and environment, in which it's human host grows up, will provide the experiences necessary and teach the lessons required for the person to accomplish the soul's mission. The goal is, that through this person change can be initiated, affected or brought about.
Pondering this picture, it makes me wonder, what is the mission or this woman's soul? Was that life part of that mission? What kind of change is affected by this kind of life? What is it, that we have to learn, have to realize, through her?
I do not know the answers to these questions.
I do know, though, that she inspired me to ponder these thoughts. I can honor her life, her suffering, her pain, by using it to re-evaluate my attitude towards other people – especially towards people, who are doing things that I was brought up to think is morally questionable. 
Her picture provided for me another example of how my new spirituality totally changes my perspective. My belief that we all are one, that our souls are connected, and that we all are here to help this world to grow, encourages me to look at this woman and not laugh at her, or judge her, or delight in her blight, but to look beyond the initial impressions and try to see the beautiful idea of her person and her life.
Also, I see this picture as a stark reminder, that our current approach to teach our children what life is all about – what their life may be all about – is not effective. We are still focusing solely on the “food-shelter-clothing” topics. Big house, status, power, career – these all are nothing but low-level instinctual strives, hiding behind glamor and pomp. Who cares how big your house was, 200 years from now? No matter how powerful you may think you are today, when you are about to die, you are no better off than anybody else. Yes, we “say” these kind of things – especially in the very few reflective moments around Christmas. But it is really all to often just lip-service. There seems to be no feasible, worthwhile alternative.
Well, for me there is, now.
Since I started seeing myself – and every other person in this world, too – as tool of the Universe, this void was filled. The questions “What am I supposed to do with my life? What should I strive for, if not money, power, fun and comfort?” were answered. 
There are so many aspects in this world that need improvement. Only people can impact them. The Universe does not change them for us, by strike of lightning, or supernatural magic. The only interference of the Universe that I can notice in this world is the inspiring of people to grow beyond their animal heritage, the planting of ideas into the minds of people who are asking questions, searching for answers.
The Universe sent the picture of this woman to me. Its arrival triggered thoughts, spun ideas, raised questions. I don't know if having this effect is her souls mission – but it may well be...

Next week we'll switch to 2010. Let me take this opportunity to wish for you, my dear reader and friend, that this next year may bring many great experiences and insights, that will help you grow and progress towards your life's purpose and towards finding happiness and fulfillment.
At the same time, let me invite you to send me an email with a question, a thought, a revelation, or anything you would like to share with me. My inspiration gets triggered by the interactions with the world around me. I depend on your emails and communications to be inspired to think about new topics, or re-view old topics from a new angle. Thank you for your contributions, and all my best
Thomas, December 2009

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