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We all are Tools Of The Universe...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Humans - Animal Species With Strong Connection To "The Spirit"

Humans are just another species of animal, just like dogs, chicken, alligators, and rats. There are two major differences, however: Humans have a much larger mental capacity, and Humans have a (stronger) connection to “the spirit”.
Our being able to think in abstract terms, to reach a deeper understanding of how things work, has helped us to develop technologically to the level we are today. It could also help us to understand that we are all in the same boat, that this boat is the only boat there is for us humans, and that we are slowly destroying it. The data is there. The capacity to understand is there. So why aren't more of us concerned about it?
I think the answer to this question lies in our “heritage” as animals. Nature on earth is based on scarcity and competition. For all members of nature life is a constant struggle to survive. To find enough food, to not get eaten, to procreate.
We have these basic instincts deeply ingrained in us too. Our focus on money, status, power – it all originates from these basic instincts. Money means food. More money means more food. Status and power means strength to not get eaten, and with that, increased chances and choices for mating and procreating.
We are working together, just like wolves hunt in a pack, or fish swim in a school. However, our main focus is still on oneself. “I” am the center of the universe. “I” am the most important thing in the world. The rest of the world is there to make “my” survival possible and more likely, and my life more comfortable. This focus on myself is really just the animal in us coming through.
Humans do have a spiritual side too. And this side, over time, has helped people understand some basic spiritual ideas: the Buddhist “Try not to want”, the Jewish “There is only one god”, the Christian “Love your neighbor”, the American Indian “Nature is your brother” - all these are examples of understandings received through our spiritual side.
In a way, we humans have focused most of our time and energy on following our animal instincts. Yes, we all have spent some time thinking about our spiritual calling too. But most of us follow almost exclusively the call of nature, the animal drives.
The interesting part, though, is, that happiness, fulfillment and joy are spiritual concepts. The animal can only survive. Only the spirit can experience happiness. As long as we are motivated by our animal drives, all we can accomplish is to survive better. If we want to be happy, the only way to reach that is through spirituality. And this is true, I think, for each individual, as well as for the species as a whole.
When looking at any of our problems, large and small, most of them – if not all – are consequences of our ignoring the spiritual side, and solely focusing on the animal side. Usually, when we look at any of our problems, we look at them only from the animal view-point. And our attempts to solve them, also, is motivated by and geared towards solving it from the animal's perspective: the animal wants to survive and wants its family to survive, it experiences the world as a competition over scarce resources, its choice is me or them, it is me about me against them.
I think, we basically have solved our animal problems – we can survive, the individual and our family. It is time now to focus on our spiritual problems. And, really, most of our problems are spiritual problems. Even hough we choose to look at them from the animal point-of-view, and try to solve them as animal problems. Once we do accept this, and we start treating these problems as spiritual problems, there is a chance to find real solutions.
Examples of problems, that are of spiritual nature but are seen and treated as animal issues?
All wars: Israel and Palestine, Irak, Iran, Kashmir, Korea; Environmental issues: Global Warming, rain-forest deforestation, over-fishing, pollution; Social issues: world-hunger, rich-poor divide; Community issues: gangs, violence, drugs, racism, sexism, ageism; Political issues: partisan politics, education, health-care, illegal immigrants, labor-disputes, the complete legal-system, homelessness; Personal issues: domestic violence, parent-teenager issues, fighting among siblings or neighbors. Really, pretty much any problem today is more so an issue caused by spiritual immaturity and needs a spiritual solution, rather than a “worldly” question...


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Angels - Do they exist? Who are they?

(The following is an excerpt from my book, which is still a work in progress, as it still needs an agent to believe in it enough to try to excite a publisher about it.)

When I grew up, our religious education books still had a lot of pictures of angels, the devil, and god. Angels were usually depicted as blond women in white long dresses, with big white wings, floating down from clouds. Obviously, these pictures were just visualizations of a spiritual concept, which can't be painted. Even to explain the idea is difficult, as it is a spiritual topic.
Our language has terms for anything we can see, touch, hear, explain, and proof. There are no clearly defined terms for spiritual concepts and ideas. The term “God”, for example, has so many meanings – even though half of the world's population believes that there is only one god, among those believers are a million interpretations and definitions as to what “God” is and what not.
Another such term of a spiritual concept is “Angel”. Many religions, not just Christianity, include this idea, which we call Angels. And again, every religion describes this idea differently.
The way this concept was presented to me in my youth was not fulfilling to me and I discarded it. I didn't replace the explanation – I didn't know any better explanation; instead I discarded the concept as a whole.
Then, one morning – right at the time between still being asleep and really being awake – I received a glorious idea, while pondering these thoughts:

Whenever I was in misery and needed help, or when I had a burning question and couldn't find the answer myself, what came to my rescue was not a super-natural spiritual being. It always was another human!

Sometimes, that person didn't even realize how much they were an Angel to me at that time. Like one day, when I was a young boy, I was followed by a group of boys who wanted to beat me up, and a neighbor happened to come around the corner. I was able to approach her and start a little conversation while walking with her right by my tormentors into safety. She didn't know that she had rescued me. But she did.
Some other times, the person was intent to help, and so became an Angel for me. A good example for this is probably my Math teacher in high school. He recognized my talent and fostered it. He showed me, in his actions and words, that he believed in me. Through his mentorship I was able to choose the path that took me to where I am today. He was a real Angel to me, when I was a teenager.

At that moment, around 4:00 am that morning, it dawned on me that we humans are the Angles in this world. We all have the potential to be Angels!

First, I thought, it is quite arrogant of me to think I might be an Angel too. But, it just made so much sense. I didn't find a kink in the logic, that would have falsified that idea.
After a while, I became more and more convinced, that we really are the Angels, who implement the actions of love.
Today, I have accepted this role. It makes me very happy to think of myself as a potential Angel. And it makes me even more happy to become aware of how I am an Angel in various situations.
Since I like to be happy, and don't want to miss any opportunity, I am now trying to keep that idea in the forefront of my mind. That way I am more alert to situations where I can be an Angel. Consequently, I am finding myself much more frequently in the position where I can be one. Which, as further consequence, allows me to have happy experiences more often.
Of course, we have the free will, and we can choose. We can choose to be an Angel, or we can choose to be a Devil. I try to have a positive impact on people around me, and come to their rescue, and be of assistance or help. As mentioned above, it makes me feel good, and allows me to sleep well at night.

However, there is a second implication that is resulting from my belief of us humans being the Angels.
If it is really the case that we humans are the Angels, it also means, there are no super-natural spiritual beings who would come and help us clean up the mess that we are creating in this world! It is really up to us to deal with that, to fix all the wrongs we have created.
That is a bit scary! All the turmoil and misery in this world, the wars, the ecological situation, global warming, pollution, the extreme range of poverty and wealth, both on individual level, as well as from country to country, the HIV crisis, crime, drugs...
We can't wait for “outside” help, it's all up to us!

Hm. So this part of my spiritual frame-work makes me feel good, but also scares me. Well, I hope, the Universe is helping us along enough to right our wrongs in time, before it is all to late... I guess, me being able to write all these emails to you is a good indication that the “spiritual revolution”, that is needed to save us from self-destruction, is already fully under way...

In that sense, let me express my hope, that our children's generation will be able to grow spiritually, as much as the generations up to now where able to grow intellectually...

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Monday, June 2, 2008

What happens TO me vs THROUGH me

The western philosophy is grounded on individualism – I am the center of the Universe. The eastern philosophy is emphasizing the unimportance of the individual - I am irrelevant. Hm. Maybe, there is a way in the middle, where the individual is important to accomplish the greater goal. Here's the idea:

I think my soul incarnated in this body to accomplish something particular in this world. We are here on a mission. I am responsible to fulfill my tasks. Only I, with the sum of my talents, experiences, background, skills, knowledge – all of what makes up me – the individual “me” is in charge to cause certain things to happen.
It is important what I as individual am doing, how I am contributing. But I, as individual, am not important at all. What matters is the whole, the creation.

One of my slogans is:

It doesn't matter so much what happens TO me, it matters much more what happens THROUGH me!

Since I believe this concept, it is much easier for me to understand and accept when bad things are happening to good people. It is also much easier for me to live through my own crisis situations. I do not lament anymore “Why is this happening to me!” Instead, I ask, “What is supposed to happen, what change is supposed to be prepared, initiated or effected, that this is happening to me? What makes me the best person for this to happen to?”
You see, what I am asking is still “Why is this happening to me?”, however, the topic of requested answer is something completely different...

For example: The neighbor's kid threw a stone, which broke my car's windshield.
The original question is focused on me being the poor thing, who has to deal with all the negative consequences of this situation.
My new set of questions puts the focus on something completely different. Now, I am thinking about what makes me the best person to be in this situation, rather than any other neighbor. How come, the Universe chose my car to be around to have the windshield broken?
Maybe, because I can respond differently, less out of anger, but more out of love? Maybe, because I can see that the kid is indirectly asking for help, and I could provide some ideas, thoughts for her to find a better way of living? Maybe, my response to the situation will still be a lesson for the kid, without creating to much suffering for her? Maybe, because without this happening, she might do bigger damage somehow else, but by experiencing this situation she has a chance to learn, and grow?

I find, I can not change the situation. The windshield is broken. No matter what I do. What I can change, what is within my control, is how I react to it. My new set of questions helps me in my attempt to make any situation a learning experience, an opportunity to grow, something that could effect change. In that, even a bad situation has a chance of causing something good.

Amazing, isn't it. It is within MY control, to make a situation be something positive!

It happens, when I do not make myself be to important, but place the importance on the creation. When I say, I am strong enough to be able to deal with this – that's why the Universe chose me – let me make sure the creation becomes a better place because of it!

However, to put the emphasis on the creation, does not mean that my individual contribution is not important. Not at all! If you think about all the positive developments in your life, all the situations, when you were in need of something – how did these situations improve? Usually, through the contribution of other people. It is the acts of individuals, that saved you from your misery, that helped you make the next step, pointed you in the right direction.

I am convinced that whenever you find yourself in a situation, the Universe has chosen you to be in it, because you are the best person around to be there! You are the one, who is most likely able to accomplish the task that needs to be accomplished at that moment. You are the one that needs to learn that lesson, in order to accomplish something later-on. You are the one chosen to go through this, to be able to reach a point, where you will be able to make the contributions you will need to make. The Universe believes in you! If it didn't, if it had any doubts that you might not be the best person, that somebody else might be better, that other person would be in that situation, and not you!

The Universe believes in you! Even when you don't believe in yourself. Even, when you think you are not strong enough, not smart enough, not talented enough! The Universe thinks you are the best person for that task!

However, it is your choice. Do you choose to fulfill your responsibility, or do you chicken out?


Sunday, June 1, 2008

Problem Solving

The path of necessary steps to get from a problem to a solution is very straight forward:
  1. Realization that there is a problem
  2. Analysis and definition of the problem
  3. Pondering potential solutions
If the solution can not be deducted based on known truths and logical thinking, a series of trial-and-error experiments might be needed. Each iteration of such a trial-and-error loop follows similar steps:
  1. understand what the outcome is
  2. determine whether it is the desired one
  3. if not, ponder how the experiment could be adjusted to achieve the desired results or how a completely different experiment could be formulated
That approach has helped us humans to develop our technical abilities to the point where we can send a space-ship to Mars, have it collect data and rocks, and then travel back to earth. In Software development and IT-project implementation there are methodologies defined and used all around the world, that basically follow this system of iterative prototyping.
Well, why not also use for our spiritual development something that works so well in the technical areas?

So! Is there a problem?

Hm. There is war all over this planet – among countries, within countries, within communities, even within families. There are people starving to death, while at the same time others are living in abundance. Is there a problem? It sure looks like it...

Well! What is the problem?

Now, this question is much more difficult to answer. Volumes could be written about what in detail the problems are. The core, however, is that we are spiritually to immature. To immature to be able to live with each other in peace. To immature to understand that we are all together in the same boat – space-ship Earth. To immature to accept that it is possible that all humans could be contributing to the welfare of all, if they didn't have to worry about surviving another day, another minute.
We do have the technical know-how to make sure nobody in this world would have to worry about food. We have the technical abilities that everybody in this world would be able to go to school, to learn and develop their talents and skills, and to be able to make great contributions.
Why is it not happening? We are spiritually to immature!
Most of the problems we are facing these days could easily be solved, if there was a will to work on it. If it was a priority to deal with it. Why is it not a priority? Why is there a lack of will? We are spiritually to immature!
Look at any problem you're aware of. Large scale, or individual. Big or small. What is the core, underlying issue? In most of the cases it is spiritual immaturity.
Domestic violence, war, global warming, illegal drugs, embezzlement, pollution, lies, waste, rain-forest deforestation, over-fishing, incest... the list is endless.
What is the problem? The state of our spiritual development.
And why are we spiritually so immature?
Ha! Maybe because we are to spiritually immature to make spiritual development a priority! So this is where the cat bits itself in the tail. Another one of those catch-22 problems.

The good news is, that the number of people searching for spiritual understanding is growing by leaps and bounds. Many of us have already understood that in order for development to happen, change is necessary. Following old traditions does not allow for change. No change, no development. Quite simple a concept, quite difficult an action...

Belief-Systems - A Mixture of Divine And Human Content

Let's pretend for a moment, we humans were capable of space-travel and reached another planet. There we found human like beings, who, just like us, follow spiritual teachings.
There is one group, that believes in a system that is based on categorizing people into groups. The members of the highest are seen as almost god like, those of the lowest are less valued than some animals.
There is another group, whose teaching is so esoteric, that only very few people within that group really understand it. To most people outside of that group, their teachings are to removed from real life. And many ordinary members just follow some rituals, never understanding the real content.
The next group thinks, that anybody that doesn't join their group is to be killed. They make their men wear something that looks like a cardboard box, that sits on top of their head, and reaches all the way to the ankles. They say, their women would be to tempted to engage in mating rituals with any man coming their way, if they saw the actual shape of him or his face. So the women hide the men at home, don't want them to contribute to the family income, and treat them like property or slaves.
And another group follows the teachings of a person, who's core message originally was “love”. However, that same group has raged the bloodiest wars in the history of that planet. There are several sections within that group, and each section claims to be the “true” followers, whereas the other sections are just fakes. The members of this group publicly display their worship symbols, but get very offended, sometimes even aggressive, when they see a symbol of another group displayed.
And yet another group is very exclusive. Only the children of the members are accepted as real members. The rest of the population of that planet is seen as kind of a “filler”, just to reach the numbers to make the economy work.
Think about that. Independent of any other potential content that the teachings of any of these groups might include, can you imagine, that the people of that planet could ever reach a state, where they would be able to live together in peace and harmony?
I can't believe, that a truly divine spirituality would include any of these ideas. There must have been something gone wrong! Maybe the founders of the various groups didn't know the whole story themselves. Maybe they added some of their cultural background into their message. Maybe followers didn't understand some of the ideas, or misinterpreted some of the messages. Or maybe, over time some non-divinely inspired content got added.
If you were to be asked, what you would recommend the people on that planet should do in order to make progress on their spiritual wisdom? How could they cleanse their belief-system of non-divine content?
