You say: I'm not smart enough!
Then we send it to school.
And after a short time, it comes back home and says with a sad voice: 'I am not smart enough!'
I think we are all not just smart enough, but we all have our talents, our strengths and we collect life's experiences as we go along. You are definitely smart enough. You may not have the talents to become a rocket engineer, or a lawyer, a nurse, or a mason. But you are more than smart enough to fulfill your mission here in this world!
If you've poked around this site a little, you'll find a lot of ideas and seeds for thought about what life is all about, why we are the way we are, and what our mission is here in this world.
Since I understand, that we all come here on a mission, and that the Universe provides us with exactly the talents that we need to fulfill this mission, I can see it in every person.
Unfortunately, in school, by our friends or siblings, maybe even by our parents, we have been told we are not good enough, not smart enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough or whatever. The reality is, however, no matter how we are, we are capable of so much greatness, of making so much of a difference. Rosa Parks was not a rocket science, however, she started what has led to the US realizing the stupidity of color segregation.
I think what is much more important for us to fulfill our task here is to realize that we have a mission, to search for what this mission is, and to arrange our priorities accordingly to not spend our time on preoccupations and distractions.
Please, if you can, rent the movie Robots. Yes, the animated children's movie Robots. Watch it and listen carefully! It's message is clear and simple: Find a need and fill it! If you are not talented in any particular subject, maybe you are not supposed to be an expert in that. I think, if you try to find out what your talents are, and try to make use of it to help the Universe make this world a better place, you'll soon see how smart, powerful, and capable you are!
Find a need and fill it! Don't know where to start? Look around you. What is not good in the world around you? You can't change the government – but you can be careful who you vote for. You can't fix the situation in Ghaza – but you can impact the situation in your family, at your job.
If you see something that is in need of improvement in this world, you can think about what you could contribute to make it better. The closer it is to your own self, the bigger the impact you can have. You can't change a rebel soldier in Sudan, if you are living in South Carolina. You can't improve race-relations in the US if you are living in Germany. You may not even be able to get rid of corruption in your town's government. But you can definitely change yourself. And you are smart enough to do it, too. All that is needed is to look at what impact you have on other people. Do they enjoy being in your presence or not. What is making your company more of a pleasure to the people around you? This is something that you can try to do more of. What about you tends to make people want to avoid you? You can try to improve on that.
The more people like to have you around, the more of an influence you can be on them. Not by judging them, and telling them what to do, but by being an example, by being helpful, loving, supportive, understanding, and non-judgmental!
You are smart enough to be a great tool for the Universe, to accomplish the changes that are needed, and support the positive work the Universe is trying to affect through you.
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